Friday, March 8, 2013

Finding your perfect caloric intake number!!

Do you find that you are getting your workouts done everyday but you aren't seeing results?? Or are you seeing results but not quick enough?? When I hear these questions the first thing I ask is “how many calories are you eating??” “What does your nutrition look like??” “Are you eating all of your work??”
If you eat more than you need then your body will store the extra as fat. It seems simple but for some reason it is the hardest lesson I am learning!!
Let’s learn together!! I am using the Harris Benedict Equation to calculate caloric need for my clients. This method will estimate a person BMR (basal metabolic rate) and daily caloric needs. The reality is that there isn't any exact way of estimating your bodies needed calories, so this is only an estimate.
How do I calculate the Harris Benedict Equation?? 
Step One: 
Calculate your basal metabolic rate. This is the number of calories you need at rest for basic body function.
Men = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight in kg) + (4.799 x height in cm) – (5.677 x age in years)
Women = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) – (4.330 x age in years)

Step 2: 
Use the number you have from step 1 and multiply it by the level of exercise you are doing. If you need help determining this number please feel free to ask me based on the program you are doing.
Little to no exercise Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.2
Light exercise (1–3 days per week) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.375
Moderate exercise (3–5 days per week) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.55
Heavy exercise (6–7 days per week) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.725
Very heavy exercise (twice per day, extra heavy workouts) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.9

Step 3:
Make adjustments to this number based on your goals.
Weight loss: Subtract 500 calories per day from your number in step 2.
Weight maintenance: Do no further calculations.
Weight gain: Add 250 to 300 calories per day to your number from step 2.

By completing steps 1 through 3 you will arrive at a healthy number to achieve your goals. When I first used this method, I found that I was no where close to this number. If you are eating much less or more than this number then adjust your calories gradually so you do not shock your body. Give your body time to adjust. If you have been eating much less than your body needs then you may initially gain weight before you start to lose weight again. Use the above estimate for at least 2 weeks unless you experience fatigue. If you experience fatigue after adjusting your calories down then it is an indication that your body may need more calories then this estimate allows. Again remember this is an estimate.
Eating right and the right amount is the most important part of getting the results that you want and desire!! This approach will help you reach your goals quicker and with much less frustration.
Please let me know if you need any help! I am always here to help in any way that I can!

March Challenge!!!

March Challenge!!!!!!! 

We have been working so hard these first months of 2013!!!  It has been such an honor to get to know all of you and walk this journey with you.  Let's finish our 90-day Challenge STRONG!!  

1)  Eat Clean..........................................................1 point per day
        No white sugar or flour, eat simple ingredient foods, lots of veggies  
2)  Workout vigorously for at least 30 mins...............1 point per workout
         (Post about your workout in our group or tag me on your post on your FB page)
3) Drink lots of water every day!! ..........................1 point per day
         (suggested by Beachbody: drink 1/2 your body weight in water)
4)  Do the Burpee Challenge....................................1 point per day

5)  Post your SWEATY SILLY MUGS...........................1 point per picture 
          (in our group or on your FB page and tag me in them)
6)   Order anything from me ....................................1 point for every dollar!! 

 At the end of each week, post how many points you earned in the comments here...  we work on the honor system!!  At the end of the month we will have a winner!!  The prize is something Beachbody and will be a surprise this month!!  This is always fun!!  Who doesn't like a good challenge and free stuff???  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My P90X Journey

So, 90 days has passed and I have completed all the workouts for P90X!!!  I'm so proud of myself I can hardly stand myself!!  My husband thinks I'm amazing which is super fun too!!  I am in the BEST shape of 
my life and am so glad I did this for myself.  Let me regress a little and talk about the beginning...                                   Day 1    

.I had signed up to be a coach with Beachbody when I bought my P90X kit , so I had a different level of accountability.    I started an accountability group and invited women I met who wanted to get fit and live healthy.  I have met some really wonderful women and made some great friendships.  We have been holding each other accountable to our goals to be healthy in our bodies, minds, and spirits.  It has been such a privileged and joy to know them and travel this journey with them.  

Day 30

Day 60

There were many days that I didn't feel like pressing play, but I did it anyway because I had said I was going to and I was determined to keep my word.  I think I would have seen better results had I followed the meal plan.  I just have to be realistic about what I am willing to do.  I am a homeschool mom and peanut butter and jelly are staples in my home.  I am in this for the long term and have to have a balance that will allow me to be strong and fit, but still live on a budget and have my priorities in check.  So, having said all that....  Here are my Day 90 results....  
I lost a total of 8.4 lbs and 9 inches.  I gained a tremendous amount of muscle and feel great.  I am not finished with my journey, which will last me a lifetime, but I'm in a much better place than when I started.  I plan on starting Les Mills Combat next and will keep you posted about my results.  If you have ever thought about doing P90X don't wait!!  It will never be easier than it is TODAY to get started.  Life is hard enough without carrying around extra pounds and all the emotional baggage that comes along with them.  MAKE THE CHANGE AND COMMIT TO REALLY LIVING YOUR HEALTHIEST LIFE POSSIBLE!!!  If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at or you can 'friend' me on facebook.  I'd love to help you achieve your goals.  We can do this!!  
YOU can do this!!  YOU ARE WORTH IT!!  Check out my site

Sunday, February 24, 2013

UFO: Unidentified Facebook Obliteration!!

Hello to all my sweet Facebook Friends...

        This isn't going to be easy to explain because I'm not sure what has happened.  Yesterday, when I was on my Facebook page posting funny pictures of myself as Super ShakeO Woman...  facebook decided that I wasn't a real person and obliterated me from the site.  There doesn't seem to be anything I can do to fix this except to start a new account.  Before I had started my Beachbody business I had an account under a secret name just so I could keep in touch with family and close friends.  It's possible that facebook found that account and thought that one of my accounts was not a real person and unfortunately they closed the account that I was actively using.  I am at a cross roads of sorts and am not sure which path I am going to take.  I have loved getting to know all of you and being able to be a part of your journey to the healthiest you.  I am so sad that many of the women I have connected with are not going to know what happened to me.  But because of that secrete account that I had I can still be a part of our Enjoy Your Moments group and see it through to the end of our 90 day challenge.  All of the information that I had post though is completely wiped out of that group.  It is a complete bafflement to me and my super powers are limited...  :)  Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

I will somehow get this figured out and I will be back...

 I'm off to fight the nebulous forces of FACEBOOK!!!  

Enjoy Your Moments!!
Katy Patterson ( yes I really am real!!!)
XOXOXO  <3 <3 <3  

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Commit to Two Things..

Enjoying peace in the moments with TWO THINGS… 

As the first month of the year comes to a close, and sun warms our dessert landscape...
I am reminded of the freshness of the New Year… A Clean Slate, all full of possibilities.  
Resolutions were made; hearts are filled with anticipation and visions of life done right. 

This year I am committed to just TWO THINGS… 

When life gets hard and the moments are hard to enjoy, there are two things that give me peace and comfort. 

  1. Reading God’s Word…  has to be preceded by prayer, that I would hear Him and be able to act on what I learn.  If I start and end my day with moments in Him, who gave everything for me, I can’t help but enjoy peace in the moments.  The moments that are good and the moments that are hard… are filled with peace because I know who is in control. 

  1. Exercising my body!...  I mean really working out hard, where I sweat and work my muscles to failure, when I give it my all for at least 30 mins to an hour a day.  It gives me a feeling of well-being and peace in knowing that I am taking care of myself.  Being overweight makes me feel awful and when I take control of living healthy I feel so much better about my life. 

All I can do is share with you what has worked for me...  These are the TWO THINGS that I do that always make me feel better about life in general.  If you would like some encouragement and support in learning to really enjoy peace in your moments..  come join my accountability group at   
or learn more about me and my journey at

Friday, January 18, 2013

Do you know your limits?

Driving down the road with my daughter is interesting.  Every time the speed limit changes she says, "BEEEP, The speed limit is now 30 mph, please take heed!  BEEEP!"  in her most electronic voice.

It is a little irritating at times, but I am grateful for her commitment to keeping me within the limits.  It is good for me to have her watching me and makes me a better person.  Do you have someone who will help keep you within your limits?  How do you decide what limits to impose on yourself?   

I have to live within limits..  otherwise I waist too much time, spend too much money, and eat too much, etc. etc.  

In order to live within the limits of the time I have available each day, I have to make a schedule..  

In order to live within the limits of my financial means I have to have a budget..  

In order to live within the limits of my aging metabolism and truly enjoying my moments without gaining weight, I have to know how many calories I can metabolize and stay within those limits.  

If you are needing some encouragement to really enjoy your moments, please join us over at

 Are You Ready To Take The Challenge??  and get serious about improving the limits of your physical fitness?  

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Resolve in Your Heart

I was reading today in Gen. 3-5 were it talks about Cain and Abel.  Right before Cain kills Abel God tells him that sin is crouching at his door and it's desire is for him, but he needs to rule over it.  It occurs to me, that is the way it is for me with my tendency to be a glutton   I really have to fight to rule over that sin in my life.  It might be hard to call that sin because it is so readily accepted in our world and in the 'church', with our potlucks and sweets galore on Sunday mornings, but sin is sin and that is one of them... one I in particular struggle with.  So, God says to 'rule over it".  How do we do that?  We have to say 'NO' to our wants and desires and be in control of our choices.  Like Daniel did when he 'resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food' (Daniel 1:8)  ...  We need to decide beforehand who we are and what we want out of our lives.  Do we really want to enjoy our moments without all the extra weight that weighs us down and keeps us sick and tired all the time? The choice is yours, resolve in your heart....