Friday, January 18, 2013

Do you know your limits?

Driving down the road with my daughter is interesting.  Every time the speed limit changes she says, "BEEEP, The speed limit is now 30 mph, please take heed!  BEEEP!"  in her most electronic voice.

It is a little irritating at times, but I am grateful for her commitment to keeping me within the limits.  It is good for me to have her watching me and makes me a better person.  Do you have someone who will help keep you within your limits?  How do you decide what limits to impose on yourself?   

I have to live within limits..  otherwise I waist too much time, spend too much money, and eat too much, etc. etc.  

In order to live within the limits of the time I have available each day, I have to make a schedule..  

In order to live within the limits of my financial means I have to have a budget..  

In order to live within the limits of my aging metabolism and truly enjoying my moments without gaining weight, I have to know how many calories I can metabolize and stay within those limits.  

If you are needing some encouragement to really enjoy your moments, please join us over at

 Are You Ready To Take The Challenge??  and get serious about improving the limits of your physical fitness?  

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