Saturday, December 29, 2012


Last year at Christmas, I was talking with my cousin about needing to get serious about getting healthy.  She said to me, "Katy, it will never be any easier than it is TODAY."  That just really hit me in my gut because I knew it to be true. It only gets harder everyday I don't exercise self-control and workout.   I was continuing to gain weight and losing any semblance of self-control.  I just had to decide to stop the downward cycle and get up and get healthy and take control.  I started out really strong and cut out the sugars and started working out.  I was getting the kids involved and we started doing the 'Presidents Challenge' and exercising everyday in school.  One day I thought I would show them how to do mountain climbers in jeans that were too tight (NOT a good idea!), and I injured my knee.  It hurt really bad for months and prevented me from continuing my workouts.  I wish I had continued to workout and just modified my workouts, but I quit all together and started eating unhealthy again.  I put back on the 10 lbs I had lost and 5 more for good measure!  Ugh!  It is a life long struggle and has to be a lifestyle of fitness in order to maintain success.

I have since started P90X and am down 21 lbs.  Are you ready to make a change?  Can I say to you what my cousin said to me?....  "My dear sweet friends, It will NEVER be easier than it is Today."  Come join me,  I would LOVE to be an encouragement to you and help you accomplish your goals.

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