Friday, December 28, 2012

Looking for Color

       When my family and I moved to the desert of New Mexico I felt like my insides where withered just like the grass.  I am from the East Coast where green is abundant and being in nature has always played a big part in how I feel about life.  I was depressed by all the browns, no green or trees anywhere.  If I wanted to go for a walk or run, I was terrified that I would come upon a rattlesnake!  I felt trapped inside; it was a dark time for me.

        One day I spoke to my mother about it all, and she gave the best advice that helps me in all aspects of my life even to this day.  She said, "Katy, you have to LOOK for the color my dear.  It might be hard to find, but if you look you'll see it."  Well, I started to really LOOK and I did start to find some color and  lots of shades of gold.  Isn't it funny.............. when we intentionally look for blessings our browns turn to gold?

If you need some encouragement in turning your browns to gold, please join me and learn to EnjoyYourMoments

still looking for color, 

Always on the look out!!  
AHH  here is some color!!   

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